Happy International Women's Day Quotes

 Happy International Women's Day Quotes

Celebrate  International  Women"s " Day  2024 
International Women’s Day 2024 This year’s theme is #InspireInclusion 

Based from Michigan. This is my first blog interview with a female credit union executive. Ellie, thanks for being the first! I love getting to know different female executives in the technology and financial services sectors. Most of the time it's my first time meeting them, so I really appreciate them opening up to me and giving me some insight into who they are during business hours and around the clock.               

Happy International Women's Day Quotes

Happy International Women's Day Quotes

Who is Ellie & Rodriguez? 

She considers herself a free spirit. She loves travelling, exploring new places and cooking for her family. Her family means everything to her. Ellie believes that her biggest inspiration is that she finds great happiness in small things in her life.

Happy International Women's Day Quotes

 Tell us about yourself! Where were you born and brought up
I was born in Jalisco, Mexico and raised in Winters, California. I graduated from high school at the age of 17 because I became pregnant with my daughter. I earned a General Associates from Lansing Community College. degree and earned a bachelor's degree from Michigan State University 

Happy International Women's Day Quotes

How did you get your start in the financial services and technology industries Prior to my position at LTCU, 
I worked in the medical field for 14 years, then moved to a marketing position for a manufacturing company. Coming from a medical field where I worked directly with patients, working on computers was a very new endeavor for me. Lucky for me, I liked it! One of my Clifton strengths is being a learner, so it was no surprise that the challenges and leadership opportunities I was given were very gratifying to me. Unfortunately, after the birth of my third child, the company I worked for did not allow me to work from home. That's when I decided to stay at home and become a mother. A few months later, Covid happened and everyone was working from home. This was a hard pill to swallow as I had many thoughts as to why my employer would not be flexible with me. I was a great employee, I managed three websites and I had good business relationships with my coworkers, leaders, and vendors. I felt very defeated and questioned my sanity. Three years passed, and I was ready to get back into the workforce! I found LTCU and was appointed as MEA. I was overqualified for this post, but I had made my intention very clear to pursue a career in IT. For six months I worked really hard, took on extra work, joined a financial life planning group and looked for ways to strengthen our footprint in providing FLP resources to our existing members. My passion for this endeavor shined through and as soon as an opportunity came up at IS, I jumped at it and moved into the role I now know and love.

 Can you share some of your career journey in the credit union or financial sector? Can share major milestones? 
I started in the contact center, assisting members. From there, I identified a need and created a training to spread the word about FLP resources. I presented my ideas to our leadership team, and not only did everyone support me, but some leaders also asked to work with me because my vision aligned with some of the efforts they were already involved in. Wanted to settle it, but couldn't. An implementation plan. This was a big victory for me. From here I was given the green light to train, then the next thing you know, I had a class to train. We started from training existing employees to new employees. This idea that I had in my mind came to fruition! I later found out that the CEO of the Financial Planning Committee was getting ready to offer me a job with his team!

 How do you prepare yourself for challenging conversations?
 I always come across as very secure in myself, very confident, and very open to growth in conversations. I demonstrate my problem-solving, analytical mind by asking questions, proposing solutions and never trying to explain or speak about something I don't know. It is very important to be honest and transparent when overcoming obstacles What steps have you taken to advance your career within the credit union? I am the first one to ask for more work. I am the first one to learn new things and try to understand a concept or process more deeply. I let my leaders know that I am available to do more to support our team. Have you received any additional education or certification to enhance your professional development? Not at this time. I have undergone a lot of on-the-job training with my colleagues. I have thought about going back to school in the near future, and I know that when I am ready, I will have the support of my supervisor to see how the credit union can support me in furthering my educational endeavors. Is . 
Happy International Women's Day Quotes

Do you have mentors or role models who have influenced your career path? How have they influenced your professional development?
 In your experience, how important is mentorship for women in the finance industry? 
My boss, Shannon Britton, has played an important role in my professional development. She was the first person to believe in me and stands by me every day. I know he is there to guide me, face challenges with me, and assist in my professional growth. 

What advice would you give to women who want to pursue a successful career in finance, especially in a credit union? 

Make yourself stand out. Look for any small opportunity to showcase your skills and personality to leaders. Be passionate about what you do, I guarantee you, you will be noticed! Are there any specific skills or qualities you believe are important for women's success in finance? Yes, stay organized! The finance industry is very fast-paced! It is important to keep pace with all the moving pieces. I was very happy to have the opportunity to interview Ellie. I told him this year


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